5th Finchley

When the Camping Ground was officially opened in May 1936, the 5th being a relatively new Group with only a few Scouts played only a small part, just taking part in the Flag Pole Race.

In June 1938 the Group took part in the ‘Good Turn Rally’ that was held at the Camping Ground. This event was held to raise money for the Boy Scouts’ Fund, opened as a national tribute to the work of the Chief Scout, Lord Baden Powell, so that for all time Scouting would be financially secure. The Group’s contribution in the arena was an item called ‘Camp Looms’.

Summer camp was held at Bridport in Dorset and from the press report they travelled there and back by train. There is no reference to how their equipment was transported.

The Group continued to grow with 16 Scouts, 23 Cubs and a total of 6 leaders being recorded on the 1938 census.

Other events recorded during the year were the Group’s first concert, and along with the 12th Finchley Scouts provided a Guard of Honour for the Mayor when he attended a showing of the film ‘Youth Marches On’ at the Finchley Odeon.

The 1939 District Cross Country attracted more than 100 entrants who were split into 4 age categories. The 2 youngest raced against each other with the youngest of those 2 being given a head start. In a second race the 2 eldest were against each other, with the younger ones again being given a head start. After the results of the 2 races were amalgamated the 5th were declared the winners and were awarded the Pulham Shield. It was the first time that the Group had won the event. The day’s competition was rounded off with a separate race for Rovers and Scouters which Harry Sanders won, beating Basil Pilgrim into 2nd place by almost 20 seconds.

Later in the year Basil’s warrant was changed from SM to GSM, although he still continued to undertake the role of SM.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III