6th Golders Green
The 6th Golders Green was one of nine Groups, including the Speedwell VSU, which merged with Finchley and Friern Barnet on the 1st April 1971. They were an open Group that was sponsored by St Alban, the parish church of Golders Green, located at the junction of North End Road and West Heath Drive.
There is currently no information available about the Group prior to the 1971 census when they were recorded as having 10 Cubs, 3 Scouts aged 15 and an Assistant CSL called Mr E Lande.
Unfortunately the information we have relating to the early 1970s is a bit limited and there is nothing about the 6th.
According to the census returns, between 1971 and 1974 the Cub numbers remained about the same but before March 1975 the Group was forced to close due to lack of members.