Beaver Scouts (6 – 8 years old)
The best thing we did was swim in the rain. It was brilliant! I mean we were wet anyway, so it didn’t matter too much about the weather – Amy, Beaver Scout
Beaver Scouts are aged between six and eight years old. There are over 98,000 Beaver Scouts in the UK. They usually meet once a week and take part in a wide range of activities including games, crafts, singing, visits and good turns, along with plenty of outdoors activity.
They will also have the opportunity to take part in the fun and excitement of camps and sleepovers. Indeed, it may be the first time they spend a night away from home so it is real adventure for them.
There are also plenty of district events for Beavers to join in, including our Dominoes Competition, Fun Days at Frith Grange and the ever-popular Beaver Sleepover.

The most recent District Domino champions
Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. There’s a badge to suit each and every Beaver! Click below to explore all 38 activity & staged badges.
Challenge Awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn’t normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you’ll unlock hidden talents and stand tall. You can also find the core badges available to every Beaver below:
Beaver Scouts wear a turquoise sweatshirt with a Group scarf. This is available to buy in most school uniform shops and online at the Scout Shop.
Below you can check out where to sew on the different badges and awards. If you have any questions you can always ask your leader!
As well as enjoying plenty of adventures, being a Beaver is about exploring who you are and what you stand for. These are big ideas, and when you join the Colony, you’ll start thinking about them by making a promise. A promise is a set of words that mean something to you, which you try to follow everyday.
Making the promise is a big celebration within the Colony. Every time a new Beaver decides to join, they chat through their promise with their leader before saying it out loud in front of their fellow Beavers. Family and friends might come along to see this, too. Doing this is called being ‘invested’ into Beavers, and it usually takes place once you’ve had a few weeks to settle in.
Everyone is unique but there are some things all Beavers agree on – such as treating everyone with kindness and promising to do their best. Depending on their own beliefs, they might also promise to live by their faith.
Beavers choose the promise that best suits them. Options can be found here:
For members who are Christian or Jewish
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love God.
For members who are Humanist, atheist or of no faith background
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love our world.
For members who are Buddhist
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love my Dharma.
For members who are Hindu
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love the world.
For members who are Sikh
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love Waheguru.
For Muslims
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love Allah.

Beavers on District Camp