Beavers go wild in Broxbourne!
On Saturday 1st October, over 40 Beavers from five different Colonies set off for an exciting day at Paradise Wildlife Park.
The coach journey was uneventful, apart from the obligatory ‘are we there yet?’ and the Beaver who wanted to get out every time we stopped, and we arrived with cries of ‘we’re here, I can see the animals’.
The first animals we saw were the beautiful white lions, who got up to investigate us. Then on to the camels, tapirs, zebras, meerkats, penguins – who dived in when the Beavers asked – and my favourite, the elegant snow leopards.
After a trip through ‘the Amazon and beyond’ where we saw the biggest ever anaconda, we all joined up for lunch.
Lunch was followed by a break on the giant slide, then it was off to see the tigers; unfortunately, they were having an afternoon snooze and we didn’t see much of them.
Then it was on to a walk through the Dinosaur Forest, with the animation and sounds making for a great interactive (& scary) experience.
We finished our day with a ride on the Dinosaur Train, which took us all around the forest, a nice way to end the visit.
Many thanks to Gill for all the organisation and to all the Leaders for making it such a great day out.
Marian Lowe