Young Leader training
We are reintroducing a programme of Young Leader training to support that on offer on Wednesdays at Frith Grange.
This training is open to all young people in Greater London North Scout County and will be taking place in New Barnet on Monday evenings.
It would be really helpful if GSLs or Section Leaders booked their Young Leaders onto the course by email in advance but a register of those attending will be taken, shared with their GSLs and the Young Leader Administrator for the District in addition to ensure their training is recorded correctly.
- 27th February – Module D: Understanding behaviour
- 27th March – Module E: Game On!
- 17th April – Module F: Making Scouting accessible and inclusive
- 22nd May – Module G: What is a high quality programme?
- 19th June – Module H: Programme planning
- 17th July – Module I: What did they say?
All sessions are 18:45 (for a 19:00 start) – 21:00 at The Scout Hall, 80 Margaret Road, New Barnet EN4 9RB
There is no need to wear uniform at these training sessions
For further information please email me directly.
Many thanks
Mike Proctor
Group Scout Leader
1st & 3rd New Barnet Scout Group