Beavers’ Dominoes Competition
Date: 16th March 2025
Location: 15th Finchley HQ, Utopia, 104 Grove Road, N12 9EA
Sections: Beaver Scouts
- Each Colony is invited to bring one team consisting of 4 Beavers to the competition.
- Beavers and Leaders to be in full uniform
- On arrival please hand in names of the Beavers in the team together with the name of the Colony
- Each Colony taking part should be accompanied by two adult Leaders who will be expected to help with umpiring. The umpires may not help the Beavers during the
games - Refreshments will be provided half way through
- Parents, siblings and non-playing Colony members will not be able to stay and watch the games
- Each Colony should bring two (2) full sets of dominoes with them. These should be black with white spots and please ensure that they are complete.
- The game begins with all the dominoes spread upside down on the table and each player takes 14 dominoes.
- The player who has ‘double 6’ lays the first domino down face up, on the table.
- The game continues with players taking alternate turns to match their dominoes.
- If a player is unable to go, they indicate this to the umpire and the opponent takes another go.
- The game ends when either one of the players has laid down all their dominoes, or when neither player can go.
- The players add up the spots on the dominoes which they have left over. The umpire checks the score and writes it on the score sheet for that game (Double Blank counts as
zero spots). - Each Beaver will play approx. 6 games against Beavers from other Colonies. At the end of the final game the Leaders will be asked to total the score sheets and hand them to
District Leaders (Judges) in charge. The Beaver and the Colony with the lowest total will be declared the winners. - The Judges’ decision is final!
15th Finchley HQ, Utopia, 104 Grove Road, N12 9EA