Beavers’ Activity Badge Afternoon
The Beavers will work in groups moving around every 15 minutes to each activity with a short break for refreshments (juice & biscuits). Please advise any allergies.
The cost for the afternoon is £3 per Beaver – please bring cash if you can so I can pay out any expenses that you have on the day.
The aim of the afternoon is to cover the badge work needed for the My World Challenge Award.
Each Colony attending is asked to run a base to cover the work needed to obtain the badge.
Bases needed:
Part one: To learn about the local community – if anyone can help to talk about the work of the local Food Bank, or knows a Fire Fighter, a Police Officer, an NHS Worker that would be willing to come along for the afternoon and talk to groups of Beavers.
Part two: an activity to help people in the local community – suggestion Food Bank – posters for food collection at your HQ.
Part three: dance & music, food, craft, festivals or sports & activities reflecting England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales or your part of the UK.
Part four: to find out about an act of worship, reflection or a celebration.
Part five: sharing and talking about the Beaver Promise
Part six: to learn about the natural world – mini beast hunting, growing something from seeds, identifying leaves and wild life or something similar
Part seven: activities from another country – promise in another language, food or artwork from another country
Please let me know ASAP if you and your Colony would like to attend and which base you are interested in running – all expenses will be paid for.
As usual there will be parking for the Leaders but not parents/carers. Please ask your parents to park nearby and not to park along Frith Lane as the road gets very busy.
I am happy to hear of other thoughts and ideas that you may have for the afternoon.
Frith Grange Campsite