Membership count extended until 31st October
A huge thank you to everyone who has already submitted their youth data into our membership count. We’ve already had a great response.
We’ve decided to extend the closing date to allow those Groups and Units that’ve not had the opportunity to submit their data if they wish.
The benefit of submitting your data is that it allows us together (both nationally and within your Counties, Areas, Regions and Districts) to budget effectively for the new financial year and prioritise resources accordingly. We will also continue to send to weekly reports to Counties, Areas, Regions and Districts, alongside a final report after the closing date.
For those that haven’t submitted any data yet, the process is very quick and simple. It requires filling in a short online form, which asks for the total number of young people you would consider to be members of each of your sections. Please include all of the current members of the section even if they are not yet invested. We’re not collecting information about Squirrel numbers at this time.
The online form can be found at You can complete it now or at any time up until Sunday 31st October. To make the process as simple as possible, no passwords or log in details are required – this will allow you to delegate the task to Section Leaders or Group Secretaries should you wish.
If you’ve already submitted data, thank you, you may ignore this message. The site will also be open if you wish to make any edits to the data you’ve already submitted. You can do this simply by completing the form again.
We will not be using this data to calculate next year’s membership fee payment – the information collected is purely a snapshot so that we can all jointly assess how our membership has changed since January 2021.
We’d also ask that any District Commissioners submit the data for any Groups or Units that do not have either a Group Scout Leader or District Explorer Scout Commissioner in charge.
You can find further information and FAQs about the membership count on our membership count webpage. If you require any help or advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Scout Support Centre by email. You can also use the live chat on our website.
Thank you as always for your support to Scouts and our young people. This youth membership count will play a big part in helping us to continue to bounce back from the effects of the pandemic.
Carl Hankinson
UK Chief Commissioner