Changes to nights away guidance from 21st June
Following the Government announcement on Monday, we’re pleased to update that from 21st June there will be some changes to the way that we can deliver nights away activities within the Scouts.
The Government have confirmed that residential activities can take place from Monday 21st June with up to 30 young people present. Leaders and carers are permitted to take part in addition to this number, but numbers must be reasonable enough to deliver the experience safely. However, group sizes will remain at six for nights away events involving Scout Network members or adult only groups.
Also, although groups of young people can increase to 30 from one Section in a Group (or a single Explorer Scout Unit), sleeping must be in tents or rooms of no more than six people and COVID-19 safety measures must remain in place, such as social distancing, face coverings and good hygiene arrangements.
The readiness level table has been updated to reflect these changes and assist with planning.
Please be sure to check the guidance for COVID-19 safe nights away in 2021 and remember that nights away activities are still limited to a single Section within the Scout Group (or a single Explorer Scout Unit) and must remain independent of all others.
This is incredibly exciting news and we hope this update will allow you to continue to offer amazing experiences for young people, but it’s important to make sure that safety remains at the forefront of your plans.
We can’t wait to see everyone get back outdoors and taking part in residential activities.