Adult appointments & training
Volunteers are the heart of the Scouts and we want you to get every bit as much out of it as you put in.
We know that Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of our volunteers. To support Scout volunteers, you are required to complete a training programme made up of mandatory, role specific and ongoing learning.
The training programme builds on your existing skills and knowledge and some elements count towards externally-recognised awards.
Each learner must have a Training Adviser (TA). TAs have an essential job in providing support to those undertaking training for their appointment in the Scouts.
The adult appointment process begins when an adult decides they would like to volunteer as a member of the Scouts. These pages outline the process for an adult to become a member of the Scouts.
There is a welcome document for new leaders in the District which you can read here.
The safeguarding of young people in our care is very important. The Scout Association has various processes in place to ensure that appropriate adults can take up volunteering opportunities; one element being the requirement of a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.
Your “line manager” will start applying for a DBS check from your member’s record on Compass. The documents that the member has to show are listed here.
Our training is overseen by the County Training Manager (CTM) Chris Nagle. He is responsible for the management of all aspects of the training and learning process for adults within the County.
In the District he is supported by our Local Training Managers (LTMs) Roger Turner and Brian Fisher
To find out how training is run in Greater London North County click here
Our training is divided into modules. You can complete these in any order but the first few should be completed within the first five months of volunteering with the Scouts.
Find out about the training for your role or learn how you can help others through their training programme – click here
There are three modules that are mandatory and must be updated every 3 years:
There is also mandatory online GDPR training which only needs to be completed once.
To book onto a training course click here.
For the details of all of the courses that are being run in the London Region click here.
Whether or not the adult is using the skills learned to the required standard in practice is measured through a process called validation. Decisions can then be made as to how the adult might be managed or developed.
Validation is carried out by the learner’s Training Adviser. Click here for support for TAs.
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